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I’m tired of this. And it’s a good thing that I’m tired of this. Perhaps this time I’ll change.

I got my hair cut the other day. Before I did, my unstretched hair was a bit longer than shoulder length. I got a bangin’ cut FINALLY after a few bad cuts. But my hair is many inches shorter now. As in it’s a couple inches below my ears. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to cover this patch of hair at the front of my head that’s growing back. See, I had a craniotomy earlier this year, and they shaved part of my head for the surgery. On top of that, even earlier this year I had COVID, and I wasn’t able to wash my hair for almost four months. So, my hair has had a rough year, and when you top that with the habits of a lazy hair pilot, then that means many inches must fall.

It’s time I started taking care of myself in a way that I deserve. In a way that befits an adult woman, especially a woman who professes to know and serve Jesus Christ. I’ve allowed laziness, sadness, and apathy to rule me for too long. These poor habits have affected every area of my life. Lord Jesus, please help me to treat this vessel with sanctification and honor as You’ve instructed us.

That’s the help I need to stop going back to square one with my hair and my life. Have you ever been there?